Jumat, 20 April 2012

Good or Well

Good or Well?

good /adjective/ modifies nouns
well /adverb/ modifies verbs, adjectives and other adverbs

But there are exceptions to this rule. "Well" may be used when describing if something is proper, healthy or suitable. As in, "I am well today."

When used in a sentence

That is a good cake. (Good is modifying the noun, cake )
You sang the song very well. (Well is modifying the verb, sang.)
The lady is working well. (Well is modifying the verb,working .)
The car is in good shape. (Good is modifying the noun, car.)

One exception is with the use of verbs of sensation like touch, feel, looks, hears, and smells. It would be proper to say, "The cake smells good." To say that the cake smells well would imply that the cake has a nose that can smell appropriately. So, to add more confusion, it is also correct to say, "I feel good today." Good refers to how you are physically and spiritually feeling.

How are you feeling?

I feel good.

How are you?

I am well, thank you.

By : tatank,

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