Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Idioms Using Dog & Fish

Today's idioms are idioms using animals. There are so many idioms with animals in English. Sometimes they are easy to understand but sometimes they are not. The first one today is to ‘work like a dog’. It means that you work very, very hard.
‘John is just so busy at work. He never has time to have lunch. He works 18 hours a day, seven days a week! John works like a dog.’
Our second idiom today is a little more difficult to understand. Sometimes when somebody drinks a lot we say he or she ‘drinks like a fish’. But we most often use this idiom if someone drinks a lot of alcohol.
‘When my friend James comes to visit I have to buy lots of beer. He drinks like a fish.’
Today's idioms were ‘to work like a dog’, meaning to work very hard. In Bahasa Indonesia that's like ‘bekerja keras’. And ‘to drink like a fish’, which means to drink a lot, especially a lot of alcohol. In Bahasa Indonesia that's ‘suka minum terutama minuman alkohol’. Try and use those as soon as you can. It will help you to remember them.

By : tatank,

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